The UAP News Center

All the UFO news. In one place. Every day.

About The UAP News Center

Our Goals

As the U.S. government continues to disclose information about UAPs (UFOs) through document releases, video footage releases and former government employee’s statements, the legacy media is covering the topic with greater frequency and seriousness. This in turn is leading to a mainstreaming of the UFO phenomenon in terms of awareness and general acceptability. A 2021 Pew Research Center poll indicates that 65% of Americans believe that alien life exists.

With this in mind, our goal is to deliver the best quality, most complete and frequently updated UAP / UFO news in a single location to the general public. Additionally, we seek to serve as a resource center of curated UFO related web content, highlighting the most relevant and interesting UFO related material. This allows readers to delve as deeply as they wish into the topic without a tedious search effort.

For those just diving into the UFO phenomenon, welcome. It’s a fascinating topic with a wide range of hypothesizes and opinions based on eyewitness accounts, government whistle blowers, government released documents, video footage of UAPs and much more. While we believe the evidence is now overwhelmingly in favor of the existence of UAPs, piecing the information together to convince yourself is a fascinating journey. Enjoy the trip. 

Our Reporting

The UAP News Center is a UFO news aggregator, finding and linking to UFO news daily from across the English-speaking media. 

When we speak of the phenomenon, we are referring to the UAP phenomenon. However, it is apparent that the phenomenon is much larger than simply unidentified craft. There is a growing body of indicators suggesting that the phenomenon may encompass a variety of areas of study such as consciousness, quantum mechanics and paranormal experiences. Additionally, we follow the ongoing mainstream science search for extraterrestrial life, clearly relevant to the UAP topic.

Our goal is to show all the news relevant to the phenomenon as we understand the phenomenon at that moment. Our understanding may change over time, thus what we report may change over time. Additionally, we offer curated lists of the best UAP related content including Websites, Podcasts, Books, Polling Data, Conferences and more UAP Resources.

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