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UFO Research Library

UFO Research Library

UFO Research

Admiral Wilson Notes as a Single Searchable (OCR’d) PDF File 

Anthony Bragalia’s UFO Explorations Article Archive

Archive of the Impossible – Rice University archive of material on the anomalous

Archives for the Unexplained – Houses the largest collection of UFO and paranormal literature in the world.  – Article displaying 7 Historical Artworks showing UFOs

Barry Greenwood UFO Archive 

Enigma Labs –  Enigma is the largest searchable UAP database in the world, containing over 400,000 citizen and military reports that the company says it has analyzed using artificial intelligence to ensure they’re veritably unidentifiable. early access only on IOS as of 7-13-22 – The dictionary of the extraterrestrial

Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy

Internet Archive – Search the history of over 684 billion web pages on the Internet

Issac Koi Archives

John Keel Archives

Magonia Archive – Magonia was one of Britain’s oldest established magazines in the fields of ufology, Forteana and contemporary beliefs.

Majestic Documents –   A Narrative of UFO Events at Minot Air Force Base 

National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) – From the WayBack Machine 

National UFO Historical Records Center – Their UFO sightings section

National UFO Historical Records Center (Now is a paid service. Free week with registration)


Significant New York Times Articles

    Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program  – 2017

    Do We Believe in U.F.O.s? That’s the Wrong Question – 2020

    Navy Reports Describe Encounters With Unexplained Flying Objects – 2020

    No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public – 2020

    They Are Not Alone: U.F.O. Reports Surged in the Pandemic – 2021


UAP Classification System Material

UAP Origin Classification System – The UAP Caucus

UFO Research


NICAP – Links to a number of interesting historical UFO records 

OmniTalk Radio Network Wilson / Davis Meeting IntroArchives 

Operation Roger – The world’s largest database of  Dr. Roger Lier’s Research. Dr. Lier specialized in alien implant removal

Our Wild Kosmos! – An Exo Studies Exploration of the Ontological Status of Non-Human Intelligences 

Paradigm Research Group Media Archive – Over 17,000 UFO related news articles accumulated over the years.

Project1947 – Documents the origins of the modern UFO phenomenon

PSI Encyclopedia


Richard Geldreich’s Resources


        1) Search the Geldreich UFO event database

        2) A timeline of UFO events 

        3) Crash retrieval conference proceedings, Indexed

    Richard Geldreich UAP Resources on GitHub – At this point in the UAP Disclosure (or “Scheduled Dissemination” – Ramirez) process, what’s been missing is a compilation of the key information from the historical and modern-day people with Security Clearances.  This repo aims to fill that gap. 


Robert Salas presentation to the Brazilian Senate, June 24, 2022 – UFO Incidents at Nuclear Bases 

SCEAU – French UFO data archive 

Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies Research Library 

Stanton Friedman’s website – a mirror maintained by Richard Geldreich

The Black Vault – Repository of Declassified U.S. government documents 

The Black Vault’s UFO repository 

Towards Multi-disciplinary SETI Research – Garry Nolan at

Trove – Historic newspaper article search of Australian Newspapers

UAP Origin Classification System – The UAP Caucus – Useful links page

UFO-UAP Connector – This is their site index, lots of material here

UFO Evidence – A general UFO web site hosting a variety of documents on various historical UFO related matters

UFO Investigator’s starter kit – large list of links to a variety of topics. 

UFO and Rationality – Issac Koi’s repository of older UFO newsletters and documents. – Researcher Richard Geldreich’s Search tool covering tens of thousands of historic events and conference proceedings.  

UFO Starter Kit – a GitHub repository

UFOs and Intelligence: A Timeline. By George M. Eberhart – a huge 906 page document outlining thousands of credible and documented UFO sightings throughout history.  May be a more recent version here. Requires free signup.

Ufology Society International – Older looking site, primarily a dictionary type reference

Union of International Associations – Global Civil Society Database – a free service of UIA’s subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. links to 150 key documents and articles

Wilson-Davis Memo -An Introductory Guide (Recommended) – UFO Research Tools page. 

World UFO Day, July 2, 2024 – a page by Angie Genler with full details on World UFO Day.

Other Government's Offices and Documents



2024 Intelligence Authorization Act –

   Search for “SEC. 1104” for UAP provisions. Posted 6-30-2023, Contai

Research Paper Sources

Directory of Open Access Journals – Cornell University document repository of 2 million + scholarly articles  – The UFO section

HAL – HAL is an open archive where authors can deposit scholarly documents from all academic fields.


Issac Koi’s research paper resources

A partial index of UFO related research papers (with hyperlinks to journal articles)

Full directory with all scientific / academic journal papers


Jacque Vallee’s research papers are listed at the bottom of this page under his books.

Research – Searchable research paper archive – this link is to UFO related research, ~550 papers as of May, 2023 

Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) – among the largest publishers of Open Access journals

Zendo – A search for UFO and UAP related papers