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UFO Web Sites
A curated list of the top UFO web sites
UAP Research Organizations
The Galileo Project
Harvard University based Galileo Project, headed by Professor Avi Loeb works toward systematic scientific search for evidence of extraterrestrial technological artifacts.
The Sol Foundation
Confirmation that genuine Unidentified Aerial Phenomena exist would be world-changing in every sense of the term. The Sol Foundation marshals intellectual insight and policy expertise to meet the scientific and political challenges.
Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies
Promotes and encourages the rigorous scientific examination of UAP.
SETI Institute
Understand the origins and prevalence of life and intelligence in the universe and share that knowledge with the world.
Society for UAP Studies
Advancing the study of unidentified aerospace phenomena through interdisciplinary dialogue .
More UAP Research Organizations
Alternative Propulsion Engineering
Explore the frontiers of science with alternative propulsion physics
Alien Technosignatures Research Group
Engaged in SETA (Search for Extraterrestrial Artefacts) and SETI Post-detection activities
The J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies
EarthTech International, Inc.
AKA The Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin. Founded and led by Hal Puthoff, employer of Eric Davis.
Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium
The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation For Research Into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters
John E. Mack Institute
Exploring the frontiers of human experience
Korean UAP Research Network
Korea's official civilian research network that conducts research, analysis, and research using an objective and scientific approach.
National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon
NHIR Institute
The Non-human Intelligence Research Institute based in Australia, is founded with the aim of conducting research to advance science and policies surrounding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena that is linked to non-human intelligence.
Origins of Life Initiative
Harvard’s Origins of Life Initiative supports multi-disciplinary research aimed at revealing if life is abundant in the Universe.
The Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE)
A critical forum for sharing original research into conventional and unconventional topics
Collecting, Analyzing, Studying, and Publishing Actionable Data on the UFO/UAP Phenomena.
The UFO Data Acquisition Project
The UFO Data Acquisition Project objective is to enable UAP/UFO research by deployment of advanced data collection technology.
Where to Make UFO Reports
National UFO Reporting Center
NUFORC is dedicated to the collection and dissemination of objective UFO data.
Investigate UFO sightings and collect the data in the MUFON Database for use by researchers worldwide.
National Aviation Reporting Center On Anomalous Phenomena
NARCAP investigates, documents and analyses aviation safety-related observations and incidents that may involve UAP.
Enigma Labs
A phone app to enable UFO reporting.
Introduction to UAP
UAP Evidence
Billed as the easiest way to become informed on the UAP issue.
UAP Guide
A good starter set of information allowing one to understand the basics of the UAP phenomenon.
What are UFOs?
Which theories explain UAPs and first person encounters? An Infographic.
Educational Programs on UAP
Courses by Dr. D.W. Pasulka
Online Curriculum at
The Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg
IFEX - Interdisciplinary Research Center for Extraterrestrial Studies
Society for UAP Studies
Online Curriculum
Academic Journals
The Ufology section of Academia, a platform for sharing academic research.
EdgeScience Magazine
The Society for Scientific Exploration’s free quarterly magazine of cutting-edge science.
Journal of Scientific Exploration
The quarterly peer-reviewed journal, published by the Society for Scientific Exploration since 1987, now Open Access
Galileo Project
Research papers released by Harvard University's Galileo Project.
LIMINA: The Journal of UAP Studies
A peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the scholarly study of the UAP phenomenon.
Research Gate
The UFOs section of Research Gate, a platform for sharing academic research. Nearly 600 UAP related papers available as of early 2024.
The Sol Foundation
Stanford University's Sol Foundation's page hosting their research papers.
More UFO Web Sites
Americans for Safe Aerospace
A military pilot-led nonprofit organization focused on UAP with over 11,000 members.
Breakthrough Initiatives
A funding effort for UAP research
Chris Mellon's Substack
A repository of writings of the former Intelligence Community member
Consciousness & Contact Research Institute
An interdisciplinary research organization consisting mainly of Ph.D. academics and medical doctors aims to explore the broad range of psychophysical phenomena often referred to as "paranormal" and their connection to the concept of "consciousness" and the multi-dimensional aspects of reality.
Disclosure Diaries
The most relevant updates regarding the public disclosure of Non-Human Intelligence
E.T. Let's Talk
A CE-5 contact group. CE-5 protocol is a set of guidelines and techniques to make contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.
Flying Saucer Review
U.K. Based, since 1955
Hollywood Disclosure Alliance
Provide a unified voice in the media advocating for UFO disclosure.
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
National UFO Historical Records Center
Preserve and digitize historical documents and media
Paradigm Research Group
Lobbyist for UFO disclosure.
Project Battech 404
Investigating electronic malfunctions during UAP sightings.
Skinwalker Ranch
The official website for Skinwalker Ranch.
Solve Advocacy
Advocacy and Communications for Edge Sciences
UAP Check
Online investigation tool to check whether an observed phenomenon can be explained by known causes.
UAP Expedition Group (UAPx)
Collecting, analyzing, studying, and publishing actionable data on the UAP phenomena.
UAP Media U.K.
A central resource on the UAP subject for Britain's Members of Parliament and media.
UAP Medical Coalition
Helps medical professionals to discuss and explore the history and nature of UAP/UFO exposures and help develop a means to change the status quo with respect to the treatment of UAP/UFO witnesses.
UAP Scientific Research
Researcher Keith Basterfield's Blog
UFO Data Acquisition Project (UFO DAP)
Enable UAP/UFO research by deployment of advanced data collection technology.
UFO Explorations
Anthony Bragalia's Independent UFO research
UFO Political Action Committee
Educating the American public and financially supporting politicians who advocate for the full disclosure on UAP.
UFO Timeline
A time line of significant UAP related events.
International UFO Reporting
Australia - AUFORN
Belgium - COBEPS
Denmark - SUFOI
Europe - EuroUFO
Finland - FUFURA
France - GEIPAN
Germany - GEP
Italy - CISU
Italy - Centro Ufologico Nazionale (CUN)
Japan - UFO Research Institute
Netherlands - UFO Hotline Netherlands
Northern Ireland - Sky Sightings NI
Spain - CEI
Sweden - Norsk UFOSenter
United Kingdom - BUFORA
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UFO Books